Real Estate Stats for Olathe Zip Code 66061 – Is it a good time to sell in the Olathe zip code 66061?

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Real Estate Stats for Olathe Zip Code 66061

Is it a good time to sell in the Olathe zip code 66061?

  •    The number of homes for sale dropped 7.1% from last month and 2.0% from last year. (This is good news if you want to sell)
  • ·       The number of homes listed for sale dropped 21.7% from last month and is up 8.7% from last year.
  • ·       The number of homes sold and closed is down 10.5% from last year.
  • ·       The number of home that went under contract is down 32.4% from last month. 
  • ·       The average sold price per square foot is up 2.7% from last month and up 1.8% from last year.
  • ·       The average days on the market is up 4.8% from last month and down 15.4% from last year. 
  • ·       The average sold price is up 2.3% from last month.
  • ·       The months of inventory based on homes sold and closed is up 4.1% from last month and 8.7% from last year.

Thinking of selling your home in the Olathe zip code 66061? Real estate is local and whether it is a good time to buy or sell may depend on your local neighborhood. I have seen one subdivision that was great to sell while across the street in another subdivision it was great to buy. Contact Chris for a personalized analysis.

Olathe, 66061, homes for sale in Olathe KS
Olathe, 66061, homes for sale in Olathe KS

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