Thinking of buying or selling a home in Gardner, KS? Checkout this Gardner Real Estate Market Insider Report!

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Thinking of buying or selling a home in Gardner, KS? Checkout this Gardner Real Estate Market Insider Report!

This Gardner Real Estate Market Insider Report will answer numerous questions, including:

Do you know what the median estimated home value is in Gardner?
Have homes gone up or down in value over the past 12 months? Any by how much?
What is the population of Gardner?
What is the Income Per Capita?
What is the Median Household Income?
What is the annual rainfall for Gardner?
Are there any Superfund and Brownfield sites in Gardner?
What is the Median Days on the Market?
What did the home sell for on  . . .

Thinking of buying or selling a home in Gardner, Kansas?

Let’s talk . . .

Olathe Realtor, Gardner Realtor, Olathe Real Estate, Gardner Real Estate

Serving Johnson County. KS., including: Olathe, Overland Park, Leawood, Stilwell, Spring Hill, Edgerton and Gardner, Kansas.

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